01 dezembro 2007

School Tycoon


Want to run your own school? Here is your chance!

This game gives you the chance to build and run your own school while trying to avoid many of the problems that schools face. Problems such as poor staff/teachers, poor grades, unhappy students, and even fires will test your abilities along with various other problems you will encounter.

The game offers you the ability to build 50 different buildings that are set up such that you have to unlock some of the buildings by first building something else. For example, if you want to build a high quality math classroom, you'll have to first start out with a portable math classroom. For those who don't know what portables are since they are not used often anymore, they are like small trailers that poor schools have classrooms in when there is no more room in a school building.

Buildings that can be built include many different kinds of classrooms, gym, sports fields, an arcade, nurse's office, detention hall, and more.

Trying to keep your students happy requires work. You can choose to improve the look of the school by adding sculptures and fountains, or replace strict, boring teachers with fun teachers. You have 80 different kinds of students who will populate your school from jocks to cheerleaders. Trying to keep them all happy will be a challenge you will need to overcome. You can even add your own students to the game such as putting yourself or your friends into the game.

You have virtually complete control over your school. Hire and fire teachers and staff, expel students, and more. Run your school how you want to run it as you work through 24 scenarios in three difficulty levels. Or take your school to sandbox mode where you have no goals or requirements and can build your school from scratch.


Em School Tycoon, você terá a chance de fazer tudo que você sempre quis no colegial, mas nunca pôde fazer de verdade.

Você contratará e demitirá professores, administradores e até mesmo a equipe de limpeza. Neste jogo você tem que atrair e manter estudantes na sua escola. É possível tomar decisões administrativas, construir opções de entretenimento para os alunos, como um ginásio de esportes ou uma piscina e uma cantina.

São disponibilizados dois modos: o Challenge mode e o Instant action mode.

No Challenge mode você se diverte em 24 diferentes desafios — 8 para iniciantes, 8 para jogadores intermediários e 8 para profissionais. Você não precisa finalizar um desafio para desbloquear outro. Já no Instant action mode, você simplesmente começa construindo sua escola.

A tomada de várias decisões de maneira rápida é essencial, assim como o ato de expulsar um aluno ou demitir um professor e arcar com as conseqüências de cada decisão tomada. Observe as aulas, treine seus professores, escolha locais, construa grandes prédios, monitore seus funcionários e tome controle neste excelente simulador.



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